Wednesday, January 7, 2009


This is where I begin paragraph one for my book report review on the book Brisingr by Christopher Paolini. I chose the book Brisingr because I read the book Eragon for my last book report and loved it. Also because I was reading Eldest at the time the assignment was received and it made sense for me to read the third book in the series. The novel is continuing the story of dragon rider Eragon and his dragon Saphira. They are fighting against King Galbatorix's empire alongside the rebellion group the Varden. The story mainly involves their struggle against the empire and their responsibilities of dragon and rider.

This is where I begin paragraph two for my book report review. "I am decided. Sword, I name thee Brisingr!" (Brisingr, pg.682)In the second book, Eldest, the character Murtagh steals Eragon's sword Zar'roc. Eragon receives two new swords: a falchion and a dwarf-made one. Both get destroyed. Eragon is in desperate need for a new one by the time he travels to the elves in Ellesmeera. When he is with the elves he gets one of the elves to help make him a new sword. It is magically protected from breaking, rusting, fire, and harmful magic. Eragon named it Brisingr which in the ancient language is fire.

This is where I begin paragraph three for my book report review. I ADORED Brisingr. It was the best book I've ever read except for Twilight. The author really makes the book com to life. It's unbelievable. I have read it three times since the start of winter break. I would highly recommend this book to anyone with a love for fantasy or dragons. Seriously people, read it. It's good.

Farren H.

Ms. Bennett

Period 1 <- that's the correct spelling of alagaesia (It's the official site for the series) (it's Mexico's version of

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