Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Golden Compass: His Dark Material

I read The Golden Compass:His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman. I chose this book because some of my friends have told me that it is a really good book. This book is mostly about a girl named Lyra who lives in a college and how her life changes when a woman named Mrs.Coulter comes and takes her to London. Later on, Lyra finds out that Mrs.Coulter was part of a community where they take childern away from their families. Lyra and her old friends called them the "Gobblers". Lyra runs away as far as she can and escapes from Mrs.Coulter. Then a family of gyptians take her in, as their own family member. Later, the family go to a meeting with their group leader, to talk about the Gobblers and how lots of their childern have gone missing. Lyra goes on an adventure to find the childern and bring them back to their original families.

A quote that is a major coflict in my book is: "Lord Faa and Farder Corman have gone to try and get your armor for you,"she said.(The Golden Compass:His Dark Materials, pg. 196) I chose this quote because this is the part when Lyra, Lord Faa, and Farder Corman are trying to get Iorek Byrnison's armor back from the people who stole it from him. It was hard finding the armor, beacuse the people who took it away from him hid it in their basement doing experiments on it. They need the armor back, because they are going north to find the missing childern and Lyra's father Lord Aserial who was capturied by the Bears. Without the armor the bear is not so strong, it is like his soul, but also if any trouble lies ahead he can help save them. Later in the story Iorek Byrnison needs his armor because he must fight the Bears King, and without his armor he will lose and die.

I loved the book, it was very interesting and very descriptive. This book is now one of my favorite. I am really glad I found this book. I liked it because it is about adventure and taking risks. Once you start reading it you can not put it down. Well, that is how it was for me. I recommend this book to anyone who loves adventure and fiction.

Pauline A.
Ms. Bennett
Period 1


Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed reading your review. Now, I really want to read this book. It sounds very interesting to read! Awesome blog!

Michelle S.

Anonymous said...

When I read this blog I thought it would actually be a really good book to read because I love action and adventure books and this one seems like it is full of action and adventure! -Sydney J.