Wednesday, September 16, 2009


English, Per.4
September 15, 2009

One of my favorite books that I’ve ever read is Gossamer by Lois Lowry. I selected this book because it is a fantasy and because the moral of the story is to never give up. I also like this book because the main character learns how to conquer her fears. I am not a fan of reading and I don’t read very many books, but when I read this book it became my favorite. I really like the author and all the books he/she wrote, but between the three books that I read of hers Gossamer was my favorite, so that’s why I choose it.

The main character in this book is Littlest One. Littlest One is a very brave and curious girl. She seems to have a lot of certainty that she is doing everything right. One of the problems that Littlest One has to face is was the horde. When the Horde came into the lady’s house Littlest One had to use her bravery and strength to hide. Another problem that she had to face was the sinisteeds would come every once in a couple nights to give nightmares to a little boy named John. Littlest One and Thin Elderly both had to strengthen John with dreams so that the nightmares wouldn’t get to him. Littlest One and Thin Elderly made a good team.

One of my favorite quotes in the book is “You are becoming somewhat solid. You’re filling in” because in middle school and high school is when we become more and more like adults. We are filing in our childhood immaturity to become an adult. In the story, as a little fairy, Littlest One was completely see through, but as she grew older she began to get some color and became solid. I feel that this quote really shows teenagers that they are becoming adults.

Gossamer is an amazing book, therefore if I were to rate it I would give it five butterflies. I would rate this book with butterflies because in the book it describes the dream givers as looking like butterflies. I gave this book five butterflies because it is a great book if you like adventures with mythical creatures. I really like these kinds of books.

I would recommend this book to anyone because it makes you use your imagination, which some people think that they are too old to do and it can also teach you that you should do good thing no matter if you are rewarded or not. Another reason you should read this book is because it is a very fun and exciting book and it always keeps you on your toes. Once again I would recommend this book to people who like stories about mythical creatures and there adventures. I really enjoyed this book and I hope you do to.

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