Saturday, November 15, 2008

Ghost At the Window - Liliane Waknine

English Per.4
November 15, 2008
Ghost At the Window

This book is called Ghost at the Window by Margaret McAllister. I chose this book because I am very interested in the past life and knowing more about ghosts. When I went to the library to look for a book I went straight to the ghost section because I like to know about them. As I was looking through the books I found this one and i decided that this was the one I wanted to read.

Basically this book is about a boy named Ewan Dart who moves to Scotland and notices strange things about his house. At times the house will change its century and he would be able to see people from the past that have lived in that same house. Then one night as he is about to go to bed a ghost that takes the shape of a young girl appears and says her name is Elspeth. She tells him that she used to live in that house in 1937. Then the time shifts back to his time she disappears. Another night she tells him that she is stuck in that house until she finds a way to get over the fear of the closet in his room. The closet would never open and Ewan himself cant get it open. It would never open again after the day Elspeth died.

One meaningful quote to me was "can you help me or not?" said Elspeth. When I read that it made me think that if Ewan didn't come to this house she would have no hope or help by anyone to cross over and go to heaven. He said he would help her as best he could and he did. Whenever she had the chance to cross over she would be to scared and miss her chance. She has been waiting for a long time for her chance again and when it comes she wants to be ready.

I give this book a because it is one great mysterious book. It is probably one of the best books i have ever read. You have to read it till the end to discover what will happen. Will Elspeth cross over or will she lose her chance to? That is something you will have to read and find out.

This book is mysterious and you will not expect things that will end up happening. Once you start reading this book your eyes will not be able to leave the pages. If you stop to take a break you start to wonder what is going to happen next. If you like books with ghosts in them this one will be right for you. I don't need to give anyone a warning about this book because there isn't things you shouldn't read. This book is specifically for 6-9 graders.


Blair Carroll said...

I'm desperate to know what's in that closet!

Unknown said...

this book sounds really interesting! the ghosts on your rating system were really cute too!
i want to read this book

Simona Stark said...

It seems like you had lot's fun reading this book. I am not into Ghosts, so this book is not really for me to read. Although, it sounds intersting. Nice grading scale

Anonymous said...

Wow. this is a really good blog! :]
I think I'll look for that book when Im at the bookstore!!