Friday, November 14, 2008

My book report

Fink, Amy

English, Per. 2

November 14, 2008

I'm doing my book report on A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett . I chose this book because my old school had it required for my age. So I basically just took it off the shelf.

This book is about a girl named Sara Crewe. Her dad, who some called Captain Crewe, was very rich. Sara and her dad spent a lot of time with each other. Sara's mother is dead, but she doesn't really miss her because she died when she was a baby. But when Sara got a little older, her dad sent her to a school where she was treated like a princess. But then, her whole life turns around.

Here's my significant quote: "If I'm a princess – when they were poor and driven from their thrones – they always shared – with the populace – if they met one poorer and hungrier than themselves. They always shared." I think its significant because it shows Sara's character. It shows how kind she is. In her own sad heart, she helps those as if she were a princess.

I rate this as a one-to-four crown rating. I give it four crowns.

I think you should read this book because it is very interesting. It is also a classic so if you like classics then you should read it. There are no warnings I need to give.

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