Monday, November 17, 2008




The book that I started reading is called Stowaway. The author of the book is Kristiana Gregory. I selected this book because the book showed a Pirate, and a young boy on the front cover of the book. When I saw the front cover of the book I got interested in reading the story about pirates and the adventures that might take place. The book made me think about the adventures of the Pirates that is why I decided to read this book.

The story the Stowaway is about a boy named Carlito, who was 11 years old and excited to see pirates come into his homeland. His friends and him had admired that they were pirates that arrived on the island to look for gold. They wanted to be a part of the crew. Later did they realize the pirates were thieves and murderers, and Carlito saw the pirates kill his own father. When Carlito then sees this murder of his own dad, he gets on the ship to get even. Unfortunately the ship sets sail and he becomes part of the ship as a stowaway. He then has to try and figure out how he's going to get off the ship without them killing him too.

The quote I chose from the book was, "No, Please, No! Papa…Papa.."

and the reason why I chose this quote was because this was the moment that Carlito sees his dad get murdered and cries out for his dad in disbelief of what he had just seen. This quote sets the tone for the story, with Carlito trying to get revenge against the pirates, for his dad's murder. This quote brings a lot of emotion to the story and how a child reacted by seeing his parent be killed in front of them. It set the story up for an exciting adventure trying to find justice for his dad's brutal death.

I decided to rate this story on the scale of 1-5 stars. 5 being the highest stars I could give to the book. I decided to rate it 5 stars because I thought the story was really good and exciting to read. I also thought the story had a lot of adventure which made the book hard to put down. I thought the story made people excited to continue reading.

I recommend this book because the story shows how brave a young boy can be by going on a ship full of pirates. Another reason I recommend this book is because it's full of adventure. The last reason I recommend this book is because Carlito was trying to find justice for his father's murder. A warning that I might give to someone before reading this book is if they are not into violence they shouldn't read it. Also a last warning would be if kids are too scared to read about pirates they shouldn't read this book either.

1 comment:

JD Huff said...

It sounds like you really enjoyed this book! Why did you choose stars as your rating icon?