Thursday, November 20, 2008

Shamless-Aida Rodriguez

Rodriguez, Aida

English, Period 6

November 21, 2008

Mrs. Huff


The book I read was Shameless by Paul Burston. How I selected this book was I was very interested in the cover. It was simple, white, and had a non-animated picture on it. I don't usually select a book this way but I did and I was surprised how much liked it. I carefully read the summary of the book on the back and was immediately interested in the story-line. It was really worth reading.

Shameless is about a guy named Martin who is trying to find himself. Martin is gay and is shameless about showing it to people. The problem is he is 30 and only getting older. He really wants to find a partner to spend the rest of his life with but he explains in his own heart-warming words how it's different from regular straight people. He has certain problems and demons he must face along the way and he leads us through his sometimes unforgiving journey. This book made me feel for Martin through the whole story and really surprised me with its twisted ending. It was definitely some of the most well spent hours of my life.

"And so I woke up like any morning and looked in the mirror. Looked at the guy with deep, black circles under his eyes, the one who has partied for long hours many times a week, the guy who deeply unhapp with himself. I looked at the mirror and thought that this has to change. I have to change." I really enjoy this quote from the book because it started the beginning of Martin finally unlocking who he really is as a person. He finally realized he wanted to be better and make a transition to the life he wanted to live. He taught me that me that anything can be achieved with self discipline. He is a truly inspirational character

The rating system I chose was a ring, mostly to show partnership and marriage that Martin will hopefully find. It will be scaled as one ring being terrible and five being amazing. If I were to rate this book it would be a definite four rings. It had me on the edge of my seat and guessing what was going to happen around every bend. You have to read it to believe it.

If you are a realistic fiction type of reader or just like to read new things this book is definitely something you want to look into. If you want something charming and funny or if your just looking for a bit of romance. Shameless is exactly what you looking for. This book does have some things to look out for. It has some mild cursing and sexual comments. So, if you're not very fond that kind of stuff or you don't think your parents would allow you read such a thing then its best to stir clear of this novel.. I promise you this is something you want to read and the characters of this novel are so relatable you'll fall in love with them.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Aida!!! This book seems like it can teach you to not be afraid of showing who you really are. I like how Martin is shameless and just wants people to accept him the way he is. It sounds like a heart touching book that will change your perspective of life. Your blog was superb and the novel is great.