Thursday, November 13, 2008

Sorcery in the North-Ryan Sherman

Sherman, Ryan
November 12, 2008
English Period 2

Recently I read Sorcery in the North from The Ranger's Apprentice series by John Flanagan. I started reading the series when I noticed it's first book on display in my favorite section at Book Star. After reading its synopsis I decided to buy it, and soon I had read the four books that had yet been released in the US. This is the most recent US release, book five.
Will has just become a full fledged ranger, an extremely elite special operations soldier/ inspection officer, medieval style. He has been assigned to his first fife, a backwater called Seacliff. Everything is fairly pleasant, apart from Seacliff's lax security, and a narrowly avoided disaster involving Scandians (Vikings), until will receives his first assignment. He must investigate rumors of sorcery, and the disease of a knight in a northern fife, under the guise of an entertainer.
"He pushed the branch away to reveal a small black and white dog with a nasty gash on it's side" was a line early in the story. Will healed the dog and kept her. She was a Border Sheppard and she was fairly useful, but she indirectly caused quite a bit of harm to Will's mission, and Will had some trouble with the dog's pre vious, abusive owner.
Rangers, in Flanagan's universe, are better than modern snipers with a longbow so I'll rate this with a scale of 1 to 10 arrows. If a book gets a 1 its better off as a target practice bulls eye, with a ten be sure to check your peripheral vision while reading as people may be coming to steal it. This book deserves 9/10 arrows.
This series is a great read for any fans of The Inheritance Cycle, or The Golden Compass, and I would specifically recommend it to fans of medieval fantasy. Some Garth Nix fans may also enjoy this series. The author gives great descriptions while still keeping the pace exciting. There is mild violence, and some slightly dark imagery, so I would rate it PG, should be okay for anyone to read. So… READ IT!


JD Huff said...

Your devotion to this genre seems strong! It's great when you find a series of books that you love! I really enjoyed your synopsis of the story. Your rating system is clever. I would have liked a few more details telling how you arrived at that rating. Keep reading!!
Mrs. Huff

Anonymous said...

and read it i will. it sounds really good and I'm totally into medieval fantasy, just about any type of fantasy really. and i liked the inheritance cycle and the his dark materials books so i fit right into the category of recommendation. I've seen the books before but never bothered to look at them. Barnes and noble look out because here i come.

Unknown said...

i finished the first book in this series and didnt go on, but i guess i should have. it sounds like a great book!